23 травня
Початок о 18:00
Магніти Києва та їхнє значення для Майбутнього України
вул.Володимирська, 45-а
Київський будинок вчених
ZOOM Семінар
9 травня
Початок о 18:00
Культура - це перемога Світла
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Ідентификатор конференції:
797 5052 0089
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The 20th of December 2020 on the ZOOM online platform working Meeting of the initiative group of the International Roerich movement, in which participated heads of public organizations from Russia, Germany, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, Belorussia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine was conducted.
The reason for the Meeting of public organizations was publication on the news portal MK.RU, in which, with the link on the interview of Marina Loshak, the director of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, was announced establishing in the Lopuchinyh hall estate (Moskow) “the international center of the advanced humanitarian researches by name of Irina Alexandrovna Antonova.
In relation to that participants of the Meeting had stressed that from the 1989 the history and the documents gave evidences of connection the monument of architecture XVII-XIX centuries the Lopuchinyh hall estate with the names and the heritage of the Roerichs. In accordance with the desire of Svetoslav N. Roerich the Lopuchinyh hall estate was given by the head of the country to the Center – Museum by Nikolas Roerich for the disposing there the heritage of Roerichs. The government of Russia accepted conditions of S.N.Roerich and guarantees of the government were fixed in the decree of the Board of Ministers of the USSR #950 from the 4th of November 1989 and in the decree of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Council #2248 from the 28th of November 1989. After the death of S.N.Roerich the government of Moscow strictly followed the governmental obligations concerning the location of the public Center – Museum and the heritage of Roerichs. That is indicated in the decree of the government of Moscow #812 from the 3rd of October 1995, according to which the Lopuchinyh hall estate was given to ICR into long term rent for 49 years for “establishing International Center of Roerichs and the Museum by name of N.K.Roerich”, and also in the decree of the government of Moscow #452-RP “About the transmission for granted to the international organization “International center of Roerichs” buildings ## 4, 7 of the Lopuchinyh hall estate.
More than the quarter of century ICR and its public Museum have protected the heritage of the Roerichs and during that period have increased it by conducting wide exploratory, cultural – educational and peace making activity in Russia and the world. During the time of situating in the Lopuchinyh hall estate ICR has shown itself as the reliable keeper and guardian and user of the monument of culture. Without even one penny of governmental funds, at the expense of public donations ICR executed unique restorations of buildings of the Lopuchinyh hall estate, rewarded by high governmental and foreign awards, among them National Award “Cultural Heritage” and award of European Union. The director general of the public Museum by N.K.Roerich L.V.Shaposhnikova for special merit in protection the heritage of the Roerichs and developing museology was awarded by the governmental medals Friendship and “For merits for Fatherland” IV grade.
Irrespectedly all merits from the 2015 the Ministry of Culture governed by V.R.Medinskyi had taken activities aimed at eviction from the Lopuchinyh hall estate ICR and its public Museum, and grabbing of the heritage of the Roerichs. Motivating such actions by establishing governmental museum of the Roerichs in the hall estate and concentration in it all collections from the heritage of the Roerichs, situated in Russia V.R.Medinskyi has reached his goal. However the governmental museum of the Roerichs was not established in the Lopuchinyh hall estate and the destiny of the main part of the stolen heritage of the Roerichs is not clear yet. Now the Lopuchinyh hall estate is in the operative governance of the governmental museum of the East which in 2019 passed on the hall estate to The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts for the platform for conducting youth programs of the department Pushkinskyi.Youth. Apparently that the above mentioned program was not successful, because in the December of 2020 the decision to establish in the Lopuchinyh hall estate the scientific center by Irina Alexandrovna Antonova. In such way activities to erase the memory of the connection the Lopuchinyh hall estate with names of the Roerichs their heritage and activities have been taken. In connection with that it is time to recall the words of D.S.Likhachoff – the patriarch of the Russian culture, who stressed that it is not possible to establish one cultural building destroying another one.
The recent history of the Lopuchinyh hall estate, it is more than the quarter of the century, has been connected with names of the Roerichs and their cultural initiatives and with the heritage of our great fellow countrymans. At the territory of the Lopuchinyh hall estate is situated memorial dedicated to the Roerichs, one and only in Russia. It was created and established by ICR, but the officials during last years demand to dismantle it. In such manner the government “respects” and “perpetuates” names of the Roerichs in the country of Russia! Now the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts plans finally erase the memory about the Roerichs by fulfilling the space of the Lopuchinyh hall estate by the other name, other activities. Is not it a sacrilege?
It is also worth mentioning that in the history of the unique hall estate has been written names of that who had returned it into life, turning it into unique international cultural and scientific center of researching and popularization of the heritage of the Roerichs. First of all, that is Ludmila Vasylyevna Shaposhnikova, the director general of the public Museum by N.K.Roerich, scientist, academician, famous cultural and public leader and Yuliy Mikhailovich Vorontsov, former president of the International Center of Roerichs, the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary in India, special representative of the secretary General of the United Nations Organization. Whether names and actions of those people are not deserve the memory and being perpetuated in the Lopuchinyh hall estate?
According to above mentioned the all above mentioned the participants of the Meeting have decided:
- To recommend to the organizational group of the congress of the Roerich’s Organizations to implement necessary activities for convocation of Roerichs’ organizations in January – February of 2021.
- To recommend to public Roerichs’ organizations to inform Russian and international general public about true situation with the Lopuchinyh hall estate, the heritage of the Roerichs, and with the execution governmental decrees and the will of S.N.Roerich concerning location of the Museum by N.K.Roerich and the heritage of our great fellow countrymen.
- To recommend to public Roerichs’ organizations widely spread the resolution of the Meeting of the initiative group of International Roerich movement from the 20th of December 2020.